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Sharing My Faith - Direct Approach


Peter’s direct approach is for those who have the spiritual gift of evangelism or often have an outgoing, bold personality. They can clearly articulate the message of who Jesus is. They can often do this with people that they’ve never met. This person can boldly and clearly share the gospel, answer questions, and do it in a caring and non-pushy way. Peter is a great example of boldness but the power of Peter’s approach came to life when led by the Holy Spirit. We see this approach in the Apostle Peter in Acts chapter 2 before a large crowd on the Day of Pentecost.

PRAY: Dear God, As we start this study open my mind, my heart, and my life to what you have for me. Lead and guide me to be bold for you. In Jesus name, Amen.

READ: Acts 4:1-20

ASK: What did you see Peter do in this passage to stand up for his faith?

Wrap-up: When considering the direct approach, do you see yourself sharing your faith in this way?

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