Over the past few weeks, we have been contacting those who receive the newsletter by mail to make sure our records are up to date. In one of these contacts, we got a note back from a lovey couple who used to attend. They moved away yet still read our bi-weekly newsletter. In the note it read:
"Getting your newsletter is like getting a letter from home."

I was touched by the fact that this faithful reader found community, hope, and connection here. And cares enough to continue to read week in and week out. I am encouraged by the fact that this note represents a larger faith community we are connected to, serve with, and worship God alongside.
I am reminded that this larger community not only spans geography but time itself. "Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us.” Hebrews 12:1 (NLT)
So, dear reader, both here and far from home, in your 'life of faith, strip off every weight that slows you down, especially the sin that so easily trips you up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us.'
I'll leave you with this, please pray for our Light the Night G.L.O.W event on Oct. 28. We are still needing 13 volunteers for the 2-3pm shift and 18 volunteers for the 3-4pm shift. You can signup online here or by calling the church office. We are still collecting candy which can be dropped off in the kitchen.
Run the Race,
Fellow Athlete - Ethan Davis