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Sponsor a Child, Rescue a Child


“Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” Matthew 24:40 NIV

On May 7th, the MMS High School Choir will be performing at Center during both services. There will be a table in the foyer with information on how you can sponsor a child from MMS. This gives you the opportunity to help rescue children from homelessness, devastating poverty, broken homes, and dangerously violent regions around the world. With your help, MMS can give them a safe, loving home on the MMS campus, as well as, new hope for the future through a well-balanced, world-class K-12 education.

On average it costs $15,000 per year to provide each of the students with food, clothing, shelter, a world-class education and exemplary arts and athletic programs. Won’t you please help in this vital work by becoming a Mountain Mission sponsor?

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